Original Grid: (Shuttle Orbiter)

Below is the volume grid that was obtained by using the 3DGRAPE/AL code for volumetric discretization. The latest version of this software utilizes a unique scheme to compute source terms on the domain interior to control grid line cells and intersections. Sometimes this new scheme produces an elliptic Partial Differential Equation system that is stiff which makes obtaining a converged solution a daunting task. One of the side effects of stiffness is kinked grid lines as shown in the expanded view of the initial volume grid below.

3DGRAPE/AL Generated Grid with Quality Issues

VGM Corrected and Smoothed Grid:

Utilizing the Parametric Remapping technique of the VGM software, the region that contains the kinked grid lines can be easily corrected. The correction is performed by following steps in reference to the figure below:
  1. Compute the normalized arclength in the K-direction.
  2. Use Trans-Finite Interpolation on the normalized arclength for a surface of the arclength variable where K=constant.
  3. Use the new computed normalized arclengths for the interior to update the volume grid.

Region to Improve Grid Quality

In reality, this procedure generates a new distribution function that is dependent on the K-direction arclengths at the boundaries of the region chosen. The results of this operation correct the irregularities in the grid, as shown below.

Improved Grid Quality via VGM

NASA Official Responsible for Content -- Stephen J. Alter Last Updated November 6, 2002
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